Andrew Seward
Phyllospora comosa  2001
© Andrew Seward

Andrew Seward
Phyllospora comosa  2001
© Andrew Seward

Andrew Seward—a botanical album: drawings, prints and photographs 1999–2004

Friday 6 August to Sunday 26 September 2004

The recording of nature by direct methods has a very long history. It can be done by a variety of means—from simply inking or painting the object and then taking a print to more sophisticated methods using light-sensitive papers as in the case of cyanotypes and photograms.

Andrew Seward explores the botanical world through a variety of techniques—and the results are sensational. His images are the product of distinct processes—the retrieval of the specimens, experiments with different papers and exposures, the arrangement of the plant, the development of the print, and, of course, its display.