A changing landscape
Levels 3 to 10—The Arts and Humanities
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
This program can be adapted for a variety of year levels and can be delivered in the Gallery or as an incursion via Google Classrooms, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex or Zoom.
Explore Australian history through Geelong Gallery’s collection of early images of the Geelong region.
Discover the evolution of this important city and its environment. Through inquiry-based discussion and storytelling, students will view and discuss multiple perspectives on community histories, First contacts and Australia as a nation.
This program supports the cross-curriculum priority of learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures and general capabilities in ethical, critical and creative thinking, intercultural, and personal and social are incorporated.
Cost—$3–5 per student
To learn more about this program please contact Learning and Audience Engagement Manager Elishia Furet elishia@geelonggallery.org.au.
Please contact Geelong Gallery to book:
T 03 5229 3645
E learn@geelonggallery.org.au