Molly P
Level 12, Surf Coast Secondary College
Subject: Romolo, My Great Grandfather

Molly P
Level 12, Surf Coast Secondary College
Subject: Romolo, My Great Grandfather

Molly P

Level 12, Surf Coast Secondary College

Subject: Romolo, My Great Grandfather

People's choice award

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Artist statement:

I chose to do a portrait of my great grandfather, as I wanted to create an artwork that embodied my connection to family. I chose to work with my great grandfather specifically for the subject matter as I recently discovered, he too was an artist. Romolo was born in Italy, and spent many years of his life curating trunks of sketches, and portraits of people in his life. As he spent much of his time creating artworks of others and subjects in his everyday life, I wanted to create a work which was symbolic of his love for creation and pay homage to the family that tie me to my passion of art today. I worked from one of his own self-portraits and incorporated my own personal style, to create a work that reflected the genetic roots that influenced my desire to pursue artistic practices today.