A changing landscape
Levels 3 to 10—The Arts and Humanities
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
This program can be adapted for a variety of year levels.
Explore Australian history through Geelong Gallery’s collection of early images of the Geelong region.
Discover the evolution of this important city and its environment. Through inquiry-based discussion and storytelling, students will view and discuss multiple perspectives on community histories, First contacts and Australia as a nation.
This program supports the cross-curriculum priority of learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures and general capabilities in ethical, critical and creative thinking, intercultural, and personal and social are incorporated.
Cost—$3–5 per student
To learn more about this program please contact Learning and Audience Engagement Manager Elishia Furet elishia@geelonggallery.org.au.
Please contact Geelong Gallery to book:
T 03 5229 3645
E learn@geelonggallery.org.au