Privacy Policy
Geelong Gallery Limited respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. Our Privacy Policy outlines our approach to privacy and how we collect, use and protect your personal information and sets out your rights in relation to accessing the personal information we hold about you.
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Privacy Policy(PDF 114kb)
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Privacy Policy(Word 46kb)
Apps and your privacy
Geelong Gallery’s Applications (Apps) are designed as educational tools that facilitate ‘learning for everyone’ with a focus on activating works of art for children aged 5 to 10 and their families.
We respect the privacy of families and are committed to protecting the personal information of our App users. The Geelong Gallery privacy policy (2019) reflects our approach to privacy, however Geelong Gallery does not collect or store any personal information related to users of our Apps in compliance with COPPA, GDPR, and local laws and regulations in countries where the app is distributed (Australia). Geelong Gallery Apps do not display ads, use monetisation features or allow the opportunity for direct interaction between users.
App data we do and don’t collect
Downloading a Geelong Gallery App requires access to an Android ID, Apple ID or Google ID or account and access to the device’s camera however the Gallery does not collect or store any personal information related to these accounts and all functionality is available without special access. Apple, Google and Unity may collect your personal information attached to your ID. Please refer to their current Privacy Policies for further information:
Geelong Gallery does collect actionable app data critical to the user experience of Apps. This includes the number of installations, sessions, active devices, crashes, and deletions. Actionable app data is shared with Pillowfort Creative and Hanalei Studios. We ensure that the data we collect and share with these developers protects the privacy and security of our users and complies with Geelong Gallery privacy policy (2019).
Photography in the Gallery Policy
Geelong Gallery's Photography in the Gallery Policy permits visitors to take photographs with hand-held cameras and mobile devices within the Geelong Gallery for personal use unless a particular exhibition or work has been expressly marked as restricted. Any images, moving images or film taken should not be reproduced or displayed on personal websites or social media platforms for gain without permission.
If an exhibition or work is restricted, the following signage will be displayed:
The use of tripods, selfie sticks, flash or additional lighting is not permitted without the permission of the Geelong Gallery. A request must be made and granted before such equipment can be used in any gallery spaces.
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Photography Policy (PDF 122kb)
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Photography Policy (Word 111kb)
Geelong Gallery respects artistic and intellectual property rights. Many of the works displayed at the Geelong Gallery are subject to copyright legislation. The artist/copyright holder retains the right to reproduce a work of art.
No image, documentation or sound recording displayed at the Geelong Gallery or appearing on the Geelong Gallery website may be reproduced, communicated or copied without permission, other than for the purposes of research or study. Use of and referral to this material is allowed for the purposes of research or study so long as full and proper attribution is given. For Indigenous works, this may include the artist and community.
Unauthorised commercial publication or reproduction of any part of the Geelong Gallery Collection is prohibited.
More information about copyright is available from the Australian Copyright Council at
Copyright permission
Permission regarding the use of photographic equipment or access by the media or film crews may be granted by the Director subject to necessary consultation with relevant Collection Management, Exhibitions Management and Marketing staff, and be subject to relevant conditions and costs for the visitor.
It is the visitor’s responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holders or their agent before a reproduction of any work or any other content is made. The Gallery will communicate to visitors that not adhering to these conditions may constitute an infringement of copyright which may incur penalties including fines.
The Gallery cannot assist in getting any permission you might need. The Australian Copyright Agency’s Viscopy may be able to help, see
Reproduction or publication of works
If you wish to reproduce any works displayed at the Geelong Gallery or which appear on the Gallery website, you should first contact the Registrar, who may be able to supply you with the conditions and costs that may be associated with your request.
Press image enquiries should also be made to the Registrar.
Child Safety Policy
The Child Safety Policy outlines appropriate guidelines adopted by Geelong Gallery Limited (“Geelong Gallery”) Board, management, staff, volunteers, guides and presenters towards children.
Geelong Gallery’s Child Safety Policy outlines the organisation’s commitment and approach to creating and maintaining a child-safe organisation where children and young people are safe and feel safe and provides the policy framework for the organisation’s approach to the Victorian Government’s Child Safe Standards.
All children who come to Geelong Gallery Limited (“Geelong Gallery”) have a right to feel safe and be safe. The welfare of the children in the Gallery’s care will always be a high priority and the Gallery will maintain zero tolerance of any form of child abuse. Geelong Gallery aims to create a child-safe and child-friendly environment.
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Child Safety Policy (PDF 256kb)
Click here to download Geelong Gallery's Child Safety Policy (Word 73kb)
Constitution of Geelong Gallery Limited
Constitution of Geelong Gallery Limited
Download constitution (PDF 156KB)
Download constitution (Word 66KB)