Angelica Mesiti

Rapture (silent anthem)  2009

single-channel video, colour: 10 minutes, 10 seconds

Courtesy of the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery

Angelica Mesiti

Rapture (silent anthem)  2009

single-channel video, colour: 10 minutes, 10 seconds

Courtesy of the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery

People Like Us Education resource

MGNSW touring exhibition People Like Us provides a context for students to explore the complexities of self and the idea of the human condition in the 21st century. Artists explore experimental technologies in new media to create sensory and visual experiences through film, animation, digital and interactive mediums.

The exhibition provides a context to explore diverse themes in cross-curricula learning; generate new ideas in understanding technology and culture; and engage students in critical and creative thinking at the Geelong Gallery.


People Like Us captures universal aspects of the contemporary human condition in film, animation, digital and interactive art. In a diverse collection of recent new media works by Australian and international practitioners, the exhibition also reveals the many experimental technologies being deployed by artists as they comment on issues confronting us in the 21st century.

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People Like Us Education resource (PDF, 6.18 MB)