Jess Johnson
Simon Ward (animation)
Andrew Clarke (soundtrack)
Mnemonic pulse (still)  2014
single-channel high definition digital video with audio
16:9, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
Reproduced courtesy of the artist, Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney, Ivan Anthony, Auckland, and Jack Hanley Gallery, New York

Jess Johnson
Simon Ward (animation)
Andrew Clarke (soundtrack)
Mnemonic pulse (still)  2014
single-channel high definition digital video with audio
16:9, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
Reproduced courtesy of the artist, Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney, Ivan Anthony, Auckland, and Jack Hanley Gallery, New York

Tricking the eye: contemporary trompe l'oeil—family trail

This family trail is a fun activity sheet for children and their guardians to do together in the Gallery. Discover more about the artworks in Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil. and encourage children to look more closely at the artworks to enhance their experiences.

Can you spot how the artists are trying to trick you? Can you be tricked?

Recommended for children aged 4 to 7 years.


Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil: Exhibition introduction with Curator Lisa Sullivan (video, 2.58 mins)

Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil: FauxMoCo (video, 2.29 mins)

Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil with Chris Bond and Georgina Cue (video, 3.01 mins)

Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil with John R Neeson (video, 1.56 mins)

Tricking the eye—contemporary trompe l’oeil with Stephen Bowers (video, 3.14 mins)

Download —

Tricking the eye: contemporary trompe l'oeil—family trail (PDF, 2.64 MB)