Aylsa McHugh
Aylsa McHugh
Linear construction in space no. 3 2020
photogravure; edition 1/10
Courtesy of the artist
Artist statement:
Linear construction in space no. 3 is the result of my ongoing combination of seemingly heterogeneous subjects to create new and ambiguous readings: here, I pair images of a vintage hair model with a Naum Gabo sculpture. The resultant unsettling and elegant juxtaposition inhabits an uncanny space, and a narrative emerges that is divergent from the original intention of the source material. I am interested in the innate tendency of human psychology to find connections, patterns and familiarity in inanimate objects. Referencing a commonly occurring perception delusion, known as pareidolia, (a type of apophenia) that demands us to see order where seemingly none exists.
This print was made with the support of the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria’s Sustaining Creative Workers Initiative and under the guidance of Silvi Glattauer at Baldessin Studios. The Studios, located in St Andrews, were established in 2001 in memory of artist George Baldessin.