Kasia Fabijańska
Kasia Fabijańska
How will you find the thing, the nature of which is unknown to you? 2018–21
etching; edition 1/11
Courtesy of the artist
In Fabijańska’s practice the wild landscape is a place not devoid of human presence, but a place into which one can go and stand still. Drawing on the tradition of the sublime landscape, wilderness can be the subject and the metaphor. In this work, a dense northern hemisphere forest stands for the constancy of nature when developments in society invoke trepidation.
Abstract, dark areas and voids in the composition render something that can’t be easily explained in words—something experiential perhaps beyond the senses. Tied to a concern about the clearing of old growth forests and other environmental concerns, this work is a study of the value of what wilderness offers in enriching the human experience.