Lesley Duxbury
Lesley Duxbury
Future landscape #1–#4 2020
photo etching, inkjet print and chine collé; edition 2/3
Courtesy of the artist
Artist statement:
The motivation for Future landscape #1–#4 was the devastating bushfires of 2019–20 in New South Wales and Victoria, which have lain to waste vast tracts of country, and left smouldering forests and unrecognisable landscapes. What was once green and alive with wildlife is monochrome and dead. Nowhere on earth is safe from the effects of global warming and it is said that Mars once looked like our Earth, but the equivalent of climate change rendered it lifeless. In these prints I have represented the fire-ravaged natural environment with images of volcanic, treeless landscapes currently on Earth in places such as Iceland and annotated each with a phrase that describes the surface of Mars to indicate the similarity of our respective fates.