Susanna Castleden
Susanna Castleden
Dead tenements (Hoover Street and racecourse) 2021
gesso, graphite and screenprint on rag paper; A/P
Courtesy of the artist
Artist statement:
The Dead tenements series reflects my ongoing interest in finding ways to visualize how we come to know and experience the world. The images in this series are of remote places in Western Australia, mostly in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne, that I have visited: tourist destinations, stopovers, and mining communities. I have layered an aerial map of the dead mining tenements of each particular place over layers of gesso and graphite, both of which contain mined minerals.
I reveal these with a series of small excavation marks on the surface of the print. In this work I was interested to see the visual relationship between the image of the place as experienced on the ground, and the delineation of the same place by the value of what is, or was, below the ground.