Ella Dunn
Two brothers 2023
oil on canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne

Ella Dunn
Two brothers 2023
oil on canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne

Ella Dunn

Two brothers 2023
oil on canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne

Artist statement:

When making this painting I was thinking about a time late one night. I was standing on an inner-city street, across from me stood two brothers under the soft glow of a fluorescent light. I was drawn to the way their bodies touched, how they huddled together. In that silent exchange their bodies communicated a sense of connection, closeness, and mutual understanding. I find beauty in capturing these often-overlooked moments from everyday life. This painting seeks to convey the weight and importance inherent in such fleeting yet meaningful encounters.