Louise Weaver
Nature study (Amaranth) 2024
synthetic polymer emulsion, iridescent pigment, Japanese kozo natural paper, linen and cotton thread on linen canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney

Louise Weaver
Nature study (Amaranth) 2024
synthetic polymer emulsion, iridescent pigment, Japanese kozo natural paper, linen and cotton thread on linen canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney

Louise Weaver

Nature study (Amaranth) 2024
synthetic polymer emulsion, iridescent pigment, Japanese kozo natural paper, linen and cotton thread on canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney

Artist statement:

My practice is informed by the dynamics and fragility of the natural world, environmental, social, and feminist concerns.

Emerging from a fascination with metamorphosis, cycles of growth and the intricacies of camouflage, my woven painting Nature study (Amaranth) entwines hand painted Japanese paper and linen thread to suggest both a poetic landscape and vivid abstraction.

Through the orchestration of colour, texture, and pictorial structure, I explore the possibilities of painting, investigating order and coincidence, layers and floods, shades and facings.

The title of this work refers to the intense maroon blossoms of the perennial Amaranth plant that retains its colour even after death; described by John Milton in Paradise lost as ‘immortal’. The work suggests a complex interconnected universe of fragile beauty that comprises things real and imagined, fleeting and eternal.