Rosslynd Piggott
Angel eyes- prismatic cornea, descending blossom bubbles 2022
oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist and Sutton Gallery, Melbourne

Rosslynd Piggott
Angel eyes- prismatic cornea, descending blossom bubbles 2022
oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist and Sutton Gallery, Melbourne

Rosslynd Piggott

Angel eyes-prismatic cornea, descending blossom bubbles 2022
oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist and Sutton Gallery, Melbourne

Artist statement:

Angel eyes-prismatic cornea, descending blossom bubbles draws upon close observations of nature and further is a space amplified by loss, a heightened awareness of our particle nature and our inseparableness from all living phenomena. Many of these ongoing portals are informed by the visceral experience of entering winter oceans, experiencing a kind of elevated light.

I wrote at the time:
My eyes above the surface of the sea receive the shifting shimmer. I swallow the sea—float,
weightless—am I sea or sky—both particle and particle-less. These too, are scenes—sceneless.

Less depictions as infusions, atmospheres, both nano and cosmic exchanges. The subject of my paintings is a matter of being in this ‘without’ space—yet the space of us all. What flickers here such brilliance—the light of us all and with it memories, substance, illusions, a sense of momentary space.