Travis MacDonald
The top of the pond 2024
oil on linen
2024 Geelong Contemporary Art Prize (winner)
Reproduced courtesy of the artist and Niagara Galleries, Melbourne

Travis MacDonald
The top of the pond 2024
oil on linen
2024 Geelong Contemporary Art Prize (winner)
Reproduced courtesy of the artist and Niagara Galleries, Melbourne

Travis MacDonald (winner)

The top of the pond 2024
oil on linen
2024 Geelong Contemporary Art Prize (winner)
Reproduced courtesy of the artist and Niagara Galleries, Melbourne

Artist statement:

The top of the pond is the final iteration of an ongoing study of public fountains, specifically the circular spraying pond model. They are an affordable solution to a public beautification project and citizen relaxation. No statues, just water from water, liquid and light. Light travels in straight lines, enters water, water follows a path of least resistance. A tricked-out Monet idea. The parable load of the fountain—of youth, of fertility/libido, knowledge, of rest and restlessness—is traversable. What squirts is a random digit generator, white noise. Like a number of radios stuck between stations, too much matter squeezed through a nozzle, a polite and mundane disorder. At Princes Park on route to the studio, there are two of them. They turn them off at night in the winter.