Geoffrey Bartlett
Visit to the White House  2011
painted and stained timber, copper, and aluminium
Gift of the artist through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2014
© Geoffrey Bartlett


Geoffrey Bartlett
Visit to the White House  2011
painted and stained timber, copper, and aluminium
Gift of the artist through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program, 2014
© Geoffrey Bartlett


A question of scale—maquettes and small sculpture from the permanent collection

Saturday 17 October 2015 to Sunday 4 December 2016

A selection of small-scale sculptures in various media that are finished works in their own right or were conceived as maquettes (scale models) for larger works or site-specific commissions. Included works by George Baldessin, Vincas Jomantas, Clifford Last, Fiona Orr, Lenton Parr, Tina Wentcher and Danila Vassilieff, as well as newly-acquired works by Geoffrey Bartlett and Inge King.

A Geelong Gallery collection exhibition