Laura Hobbs
Favourite Nightmare 2023
digital Film
Sacred Heart College
Art Making & Exhibiting

Laura Hobbs
Favourite Nightmare 2023
digital Film
Sacred Heart College
Art Making & Exhibiting

Laura Hobbs

Favourite Nightmare 2023
digital film with sound, duration: 33 secs looped
Sacred Heart College, VCE Art Making and Exhibiting

Artist statement:

Favourite nightmare explores the unsettling feeling of walking into the school halls to see individuals dressed in the same uniform and conforming to the learning methods within our current small-minded education system. The work mimics conformity and critiques the education system through its utilisation of black and white film and use of the suit for costuming. The original soundtrack, which doesn’t follow a set tempo and is not synchronised with the imagery, extends the uneasy, disturbed feeling. The artwork invites viewers to reconsider what brings them joy in life and whether what they have been taught will bring them success and ultimate happiness.