Brenda Livermore
Wonder 2023
Handmade mulberry paper, wax, paper string, glass marbles
Photographer: Janet Tavener

Brenda Livermore
Wonder 2023
Handmade mulberry paper, wax, paper string, glass marbles
Photographer: Janet Tavener

Brenda Livermore

Wonder 2023
Handmade mulberry paper, wax, paper string, glass marbles

Artist statement:

There is a wondrous beauty to be found in the tangled mangrove forests at the edge of the ocean. Flat planes punctuated by aerial roots and bright red crabs scurrying about the sand with purpose. Further to this beauty Brenda Livermore is inspired by the symbiotic relationship of the mangroves, crabs, and the wider environment. Healthy mangroves grow in the fine sediments deposited by the tide and enriched by the crabs feeding on and burying leaf litter and natural detritus. This work celebrates this highly productive and dynamic ecosystem and its ecological importance. Mangrove forests protect the salt water and fresh water they straddle. They are four times more efficient converting carbon dioxide to oxygen than other species; reduce coastal erosion; protect water quality removing excess nutrients and pollutants from storm water runoff before they reach sea grass habitats and coral reefs; provide nursery habitats for sea life and serve as nesting areas for coastal and migratory birds. Truly wonderful!

Working with and pushing the boundaries of paper as material Brenda has borrowed the bright red from the little crabs creating this work with handmade paper, wax, and paper string, employing paper casting and looping (knotless netting).