Kate Beynon
With amulets and their shadows 2017
synthetic polymer paint on wood
Courtesy of the artist and Sutton Gallery, Melbourne
© Kate Beynon

Kate Beynon
With amulets and their shadows 2017
synthetic polymer paint on wood
Courtesy of the artist and Sutton Gallery, Melbourne
© Kate Beynon

Create a self-portrait

Levels 3 to 6—Visual arts

Create a self-portrait inspired by Kate Beynon's work, With amulets and their shadows (2017). 

Discover how the artist has painted herself surrounded by hanging personal symbols with different meanings including, compassion, luck, life and death, identity and hope.

Designed to support your students in the preparation of their entries to the Who’s who portrait prize this activity will guide students in learning how to draw with the proportions of the face, exploring the meaning of personal symbols and experimenting with how they see themselves.

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Activity sheet: Create a self-portrait (PDF, 579.99 KB)