Hayley G
Level 9, Bellarine Secondary College
Sitter: Fiona

Hayley G
Level 9, Bellarine Secondary College
Sitter: Fiona

Hayley G

Level 9, Bellarine Secondary College

Sitter: Fiona

People's choice award

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Artist statement: 

The sitter in this artwork is my step-mum, Fiona. I chose her to be the subject of this portrait because even though she isn't the mayor, she is a highly active community member of Geelong and I am extremely proud of all she has achieved. She is a very engaged sport community member, playing in the local cricket team and local fitness training. Her job as a social worker is very community involved around schools and places around Geelong. She has participated in many local events to contribute to the community. Although she may not be a well-known council member or something of the kind, I believe her local community activity and contributions, and herself as a person, are completely worthy to celebrate.